So, I found so many post ideas on Pinterest last night that I put them in the randomizer app that I have on my phone...(yes, I have a randomizer app.....I can be incredibly indecisive.....) Anyway, my phone has helped me choose to introduce my pets! I know I posted pics of my cats when I first started this blog a few years ago, but we've gotten new ones and lost old ones since then, plus I don't think I ever posted pics of my dogs, so they shall be posted today!
I figured I'd go from oldest to youngest so here's Boots! We've had him since he was born (we had his mom too but we gave her away with her last kitten) and now he's 8! I call him an old man...he definitely acts like it sometimes! Boots is definitely the most spoiled out of all of them! Or at least, I spoil him! His brother Blackers (I named them when I was 6 so yes, his name was Blackers...) died a few months ago of Feline Leukemia :/ As for the picture, my cousin Lainey
and I were playing Monopoly a few weeks ago and he decided to steal the lid....he broke the corner that his tail is hanging over too...
Next is Annabelle! She's only about a month younger than Boots (She was
born in May and he was born in April) so she's also 8. We've had her
since she was a few months old and she
loves my mom! Which is
hilarious because my mom doesn't pet her a lot or anything, but she
still follows her everywhere! And even if we only leave the house for ten minutes she acts like we've been gone for a year!
This is my fat little Biscuit! He's gonna be 6 this November! We literally say that he's our little pig...his legs are incredibly short....He loves me almost as much as Annabelle loves my mom! (And I love him right back!)
This kitty on the left is Eve. She's the momma of the twins (whose pics are below this one!) and she's around two years old I think. We're not exactly sure how old she is because she was a stray... I love her markings so much! Only one of her kittens got the same markings and she was one of the first to be given away... What's really pitiful is that when we were taking her to the vet the first time, I had called her Momma Kitty so much that I completely forgot her name and when I asked my brother, he had to think about it! I still call her Momma Kitty more than her real name....I don't think anyone really uses her actual name anymore....

This is the Brenya! She's the first of the twins. She just turned a year old last month! We had six kittens altogether but we gave away four of them and Brenya and her sister were the ones no one wanted when we moved... So now we have more cats!! We pretty much consider her as my brother's cat, but I love her too! My brother accidentally got her addicted to coffee by spilling a bit on the patio table and instead of licking it, the wacko cat decides to start rolling in it!!! You can always tell the difference between her and her sister for multiple reasons... 1. Brenya's meows sound more like a bird chirp than an actual meow... 2. She's fatter than her sister... 3. She has darker markings around her mouth and her eyes have a bit more of a greenish tint where as Maggie's are yellow and 4. Brenya purrs
really loudly and you can't hear Mags purring unless you put your ear right up to her!

Last but not least is Maggie! She's my floppy little thing! Almost every time you talk to her or even look at her she'll flop onto her side and start rolling on her back and staring at you upside down... She loves me for some reason and I really couldn't understand it at first, but now I love her too! Whenever I go outside when she is, she'll come up and rub against my ankles and then just stand in between my feet...
Wow! That's a really long post!! Pinterest definitely helped! Bye till tomorrow!